3 Reasons to shop small, shop local this holiday season
Small business Saturday is upon us! This year, we're committing to buying more locally and from small businesses whenever possible and you should, too! Here are three quick reasons why shopping local and small just make sense.
1. Shopping small makes a huge impact on local communities.
Independent bookstore owners are your neighbors. They are your larger community members. And they also buy and hire within your community, which means that that money you spend at their shop STAYS in the community much longer than when you purchase from a big box store or Amazon.
If you don't believe me, here is a handy-dandy chart on the percentage of how much money is reinvested in local communities when folks buy at local, independent bookstores:

And here is another. And another.
Small business owners are also likely the first people you think of to ask for donations when your community group is having fundraiser or hosting a PTA breakfast. They are the businesses on your kids' little league t-shirts. Support them and they will be able to support you back.
2. Small business owners make communities (like yours) more vibrant.
While we are currently an online store, at some point we want to grow large enough to have our own shop space. Why? Because we want to be part and parcel of the local community and be a gathering space for folks to talk about cooking and food as culture. I love my community and I want to be a more integral part of it on a daily basis.
But, the fact is that our growth is dependent upon continued community support as well. Your favorite coffee shop, bookstore, and cute little gift shop or gallery are just the same. If you spend a little less on Amazon and a little more in local shops this holiday season (and year round, if I'm being honest), larger corporations likely won't give half a hoot but local shop owners will certainly remember your support.
3. Shopping is more fun at local stores.
Yes, it's easier to stay at home, but I love picking up fun gifts at the local stores. It makes Christmas shopping more meaningful and festive because it gets me off the couch and out into my community. And I get to see the music and decorations that others have put up. I can see what local artists are making and support their work through craft fairs and markets. I also receive better service because local business get to better know their customer base and products they are selling. There are so many benefits.
But, we also get it...if you don't want to leave your house, you can use the power of your laptop to search out small, independent stores to purchase from.
Lastly...shopping local and shopping small are so important, but no matter how you prefer to buy, Blackbird Cookbooks is here to help make your holiday shopping is easier than ever. We offer a curated titled selection, complimentary gift wrapping, local delivery services, hand-written gift cards, and more.
For shopping help or product recommendations, please feel free to contact us. And Happy Holidays.