Cooking from Quilt Country
Shop Notes:
Having grown up in Southern Ohio, I have spent many a meal in Amish country and to this day I think those are some of the best meals I've ever eaten. Satisfying, comforting, and plentiful really define Amish cuisine. These cookbooks share all that knowledge and provide a glimpse into the lives of Amish and Mennonite families.
From the Publisher:
Includes nearly 200 family recipes from America's heartland, a culinary folk history of the Indiana Amish and Mennonites. This celebration of farm life is a companion volume to the PBS series hosted by Adams. 64 full-color photographs.
About the Authors:
Cookbook author, anthropologist and PBS celebrity, Marcia Adams was considered an expert in Amish cooking. Her five cookbooks included "Cooking from Quilt Country: Hearty Recipes from Amish and Mennonite Kitchens," "Marcia Adams' Heirloom Recipes: Yesterday's Favorites, Tomorrow's Treasures," and "Recipes Remembered." She also wrote two books about her heart transplant and recovery, "Heart to Heart" and "Heart Anew."
Release Date: 1989
Condition: Like new
Release Date:
Language: English